They’ll still send you all over the Shadowlands, so you won’t be stuck with just clearing objectives within your Covenant’s zone. Unlike Emissaries Callings will often require you to do more than simply clear World Quests. Otherwise, you’ll have access to one Calling a day if you’re keeping up with them. So, if you miss a day you’ll come back to two Callings, and if you skip two days you’ll have three Callings. There are a max of three available at any given time, and if you clear them all out only one will refresh each day.

There are no traditional Emissaries to speak of, but Callings function in a similar manner. Callings replace Emissaries in Shadowlands, and can be found within your Covenant’s sanctum.Ĭallings are daily quests that are located within your Covenant’s sanctum within the Shadowlands. The new Callings within your Covenant’s sanctum are your go to NPCs for daily World Quest rewards, though there’s a little more to the system now than before.

You’ll no longer look to your map to preview who needs World Quests completed. That’s right, Emissaries do not exist in the Shadowlands (they are still around for Legion and Battle for Azeroth).

World of Warcraft Shadowlands has World Quests, but instead of assisting Emissaries you’ll complete Callings for rewards.